Melanie Walker
Nomadic Dreamer Home Dance
Using the image of a house and that conceptual framework as metaphor, I seek to address our collective longing for connection in these challenging times of division and separation. This work combines landscape images and glimpses of daily routine in ways that address the layered and fragile nature of time, sense of place and memory. Home is an idea. Home is a place of connection. Home is a state of mind. Home is relative. It is shelter and shelter is universal among all living beings. Earth is home. Refuge/Refugee Longing Be longing (Be)long(ing)s Longing to belong… The word wanderlust designates a strong desire for and an impulse to wander, however not all wanderings are equal. Some rise from desire, others from necessity. Migrations have long been a part of our collective human history whether it be from the quest for a better life or escape from dire climate or political circumstances. As a visually impaired artist I live between sight and blindness Hoping to serve as a bridge to empathy and compassion I seek the spaces between us.